The Heart of Permaculture
Greetings All. It’s Bill Wilson here.
It is 2025 and there is a new training I am ready to begin sharing this year. For those of you who know me, this is the training I have been thinking and talking about for several years now. In the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) I spend an hour talking about the Heart of Permaculture and it is a favorite part of the course for many of us because we talk about the deeper urges or feelings many of us think about at 3am as we navigate our way through life. The big questions? How do I integrate my inner life with my outer life? How do I live a life of greater meaning and greater joy? How can I make a meaningful contribution? What is my real purpose for being here – my work?

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About This Training
In Permaculture we simply asks two fundamental questions:
– What is?
– How do things really work?
There are no sacred cows or beliefs in permaculture.
What we are attempting to do is to look honestly at life to figure out ways to provide security and abundance for ourselves while also caring for others, for life on the planet and for future generations. In reality, it is just about honoring creation itself.
This is actually a very inspiring path, even a spiritual journey.
One of key things our students learn when going through the Permaculture Design Course is that even though the challenges before us in the world seem increasingly complex, the actual solutions to these problems remain EMBARRASINGLY simple. Not necessarily easy, but they are simple.
The Spiritual Journey is Embarrassing Simple Too
Not only now, but over the long history of humankind the spiritual journey (or shall we say the path to clarity, joy, peace and inner abundance) is most often presented to be complex, challenging or even elusive.
Through my life’s journey and experiences, and by going deep into permaculture, I have found that the spiritual journey is really quite simple as well, even EMBARRASINGLY so. Not necessarily easy, but it is simple to see and understand.

I am not sure yet what form this new training will take but I am being encouraged by our PDC students to share the greater details of this simple, yet profoundly important and satisfying journey to greater clarity and peace of mind.
My real spiritual journey began in my early 20’s when I started to question our cultural norms and even my own religious upbringing. My real education into life began by asking the fundamental questions, What is? and How do things really work?
It was around age 50 that I unexpectedly rounded a corner and realized I was stepping away from, or walking out of, the mist. And with this greater clarity came an experience of an inner peace and knowing that I had not felt before and that has not left me sense.
I Will Share Every Detail About This Journey
In this New Training
The Heart of Permaculture
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