
Free Weekly Support/Review Sessions

Offered Quarterly over a 9-week Period

We know that moving through a large course like this can be challenging to do alone. That is why we are offering the option to walk through the course with Bill and others on the MWP teaching team. Over a recurring 9-week period, we will meet with interested students via Zoom to discuss specific course sessions in a timely manner. Each week you will want to set aside 6-8 hours to review the course content, take notes if you are interested in earning the PDC Certificate, complete any short exercises we offer and then, join us on Monday evenings to discuss the scheduled content. Over Zoom you will be able to ask questions, share your thoughts, and hear what other students have to say about the topics covered. We will also share with you our thoughts and highlights on what the key takeaways are from each section of the course.

Monday Evenings – 7:00-8:30 Central Time USA

Below is the Scheduled Content for Each Week

For Reference:
FOP (Foundations oPermaculture) is our original introductory webinar series that includes 11 webinars.
‘THE MAIN COURSE’ includes the live zoom recordings of Sessions #1-#18 from our 93rd PDC course.

Week 1
– FOP Webinar Series & Session #1 from the Main Course
– Foundations; Great Alchemists; Source of Abundance

Week 2
– Main Course Sessions #2 & #3
– Earthworks; Mollison; Midwest Permaculture Yard Tour

Week 3
– Main Course Sessions #4 & #5
– Earthworks; Clay Model; CSC Tour; Soils (part 1)

Week 4
    – Sessions #6 & #7
– Soils (parts 2 & 3); Plants; Propagation; Sepp Holzer

Week 5
    – Sessions #8 & #9
– Gardening; Food-Scaping; Heart of Permaculture

Week 6
    – Sessions #10 & #11
– Residential Design; Alternative Energy; Animals in Perm

Week 7
    – Sessions #12 & #13
– Built Environment; Farming (part 1); Mushrooms

Week 8
    – Sessions #14 & #15
– Farming (part 2); Aquaculture; Ponds; Authentic Wealth

Week 9
    – Sessions #16 & #17
– Final Design Presentations; Agraria; Welcome

And don’t feel stuck if you might have to miss one or more sessions. There is no obligation here. We’ll be in each week when you can make it. We will also record each session in a series so participants can listen in if missed.

And if you have a specific project you are interested in designing, like your own property, we’ll be able to look over your shoulder during the final design segments to make suggestions. If you would still like design assistance following the course we offer discounted consulting fees to our students.

To Earn Your PDC Certificate:
  1. Take notes on every recorded webinar and session of the course. Download the free workbook if you would find that useful. You will share a copy of your notes with us at the end.
  2. Do the 7-design exercises within the course as well, including a final design exercise, and turn a copy of these in too.
  3. Once we review your work to verify you were exposed to the entire curriculum and did the exercises, we will snail-mail you your signed, Midwest Permaculture PDC Certificate

To be clear…We will not be grading or critiquing these notes. There is no test or final exam. This is adult learning. Our obligation is to verify that you were exposed to the course in its entirety.

Within a week of signing up for the training…

…students receive a welcome message from one of our team members, checking in with you, and linking you to a Google-Drive folder which is private to just you and us. It is in this folder you will place all of your notes and design exercises so that we can review them to award your Design Course Certificate.

Please note: Our expectation is that most students will complete this training within a month or two, possibly six. However, should someone need it, students can take up to 3-years to earn their certificate.

All this information is on the PDC course homeroom page which students have access to upon registration. 

Permaculture design is a tool we can use to create beauty, wonder and abundance in our world. We hope you can join us to further unlock the brilliant content of the permaculture design course.

Warmly… MWP Teaching Team