We Teach Permaculture

People Love This Course!
– 18th Year –
Making the PDC Course Understandable, Relatable and Enjoyable.
We teach the internationally recognized 72-hr. Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course… honoring the original curriculum while updating students on the amazing progress that has occurred since permaculture’s inception.

4.9 Star Student Rating
Our trainings are alive, fresh and real.
We explore the brilliance in every part of the permaculture course.
Or Turn This...

Bec Hellouin 5-acre Farm before...
...Into This

...and after.
Our favorite permaculture texts is a 3-volume set called “Living with the Earth” by Perrine and Charles.
This Signature Training is Available either…
Work Independently…
or With Guidance
This course contains the recordings of a full 72-hr. Permaculture Course taught by Bill Wilson with access to our teaching team in multiple ways. Enjoy the recordings at your own pace. Turn in notes and exercises to earn the PDC Certificate if you are interested. If you don’t need a certificate, you can purchase the course at a savings.
We also offer sequential, live review sessions via Zoom 4-times per year over a 9-week period. Bill and team answer student questions and tease out important details. These sessions are available to all online PDC students at no additional charge. We know that the support and structure of live interactions with the actual teachers can be extremely helpful to many.
The 9-week Review Sessions are Offered Every 3-Months.
Come and learn permaculture while seeing how its application has manifested at the various locations we teach at. There is nothing like seeing it in person and kicking the tires.
We will host only one in-person course this year and it will be at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. This is a PERFECT place to learn permaculture. June 14-21, 2025.
Sample the Course!

Enter your email address to receive access. By signing up, you'll receive occasional email newsletters with valuable permaculture insights and updates on our courses. We respect your privacy and won't send spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.
“Bill, this PDC course was the best training I have ever had! It was in-depth, practical, hopeful, and applicable everywhere.”
Lorenza A. School Administrator"An amazing month online. I learned so much more than I could have imagined through a Zoom course. And I loved getting to know everyone else in the class and seeing their exciting projects unfold. Bill and his team are amazing teachers. I have to give this course a 10 out of 10. So inspiring and loaded with useful information."
Judith W. Home Schooler of 4 (ages 5-16)“I took the online PDC in the fall of 2021 and it is easily the best online educational experience I have ever participated in. I now feel like I have resources and direction instead of just drowning in googled information with no idea of how to connect the dots and implement them into my life. No regrets. Midwest Permaculture was fantastic!”
Shane G. Union Organizer - Small Farmer“I’m so glad I took the course when I did because it has changed everything in my thinking especially about how to purchase property. I was deeply moved, inspired, and challenged by the material. I can’t stop thinking about it. The course was just a feast of new possibilities!”
Shaylyn R-G. Social Entrepreneur, Author, Mother“What a wonderful surprise. This course was one of the most inspiring, informational and useful experiences of my life. Bill and his team are exceptional teachers. I feel I got as much out of this short training as I did from my 4 years of college! Brilliant.”
Deborah M. Homesteader, HomeschoolerWant a Shorter-form course?
The Property Design
Mini-Course (20-hrs.)
The PDMC is a recorded, info-packed course built to help you design productive, resilient, and beautiful properties.
This course contains "the juice" of the full PDC as it applies to residential, homestead, and/or small farm design. It focuses on the practical information you need to get started designing your own space.

Design Projects
Here are the recent projects we have been focused on.
join us for a
'Quick Design'
Every Other Month
Over Zoom
2:00-4:30pm central
- Ask Your Questions
- Learn New Ideas and Techniques
- Submit Your Own Project for Consideration
here are some popular posts from our

Epic DIY Fly Trap
This is a quick homemade DIY solution to manage flies around our goats. All it took was some sticky flypaper,

Wild Plum Harvest
Bill and Becky had an unexpected wild harvest in their backyard from a native plant, the American Wild Plum.

Permaculture Magazine Offer
This weekend (May 4 & 5) our friends at Permaculture Magazine (UK) are offering those who are on our email

Discover the Wild Leek (Ramps)
Learn how the influence of ramps has built relationships within human and nonhuman communities.

DIY “Super Clean Composting Toilet” Design
“We love the composting toilet. It’s so clean, and we can’t believe it doesn’t smell!” What is a composting toilet?

Design and Tour of MWP Home Residence
Here is the latest presentation and virtual tour of how our residential property has evolved over the last 15 years.

Becky & Bill Wilson
Co-founders of Midwest Permaculture
About Us
We started Midwest Permaculture in 2007 on a shoestring.
Deeply inspired by the brilliance and relevance of this life-design science we could clearly see how the application of permaculture design could solve so many of the challenges in the world today.
Though the problems of the world seem increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.
Bill Mollison - A Founding Father of Permaculture

"I just took this course because my wife and I had recently purchased a plot of land to retire on and wanted some practical ideas on how to develop it. What an amazing surprise. This course was a feast of tangible and realistic ideas. Bill and his team tied the course together beautifully. Best educational experience of my life (and I've experienced a lot over my 57 years). I wish every high school child in the world could take this course. It would change the trajectory of their lives and provide the seeds for a better world."
John R. Retired Colonel - U.S. Marines