On-Site PDC

72-Hr. On-Site/In-Person (over 8-days)

Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course

Our 2024 'On-Site' Courses are now Complete
Please Check Back for 2025 Schedule

What Is Included?

View some of the locations where we've hosted our courses (click photo to enlarge)

We typically choose sites that practice aspects of permaculture to host our courses. We have hosted courses at Bending Oak Permaculture Farm, Cal-Earth, and many more engaging places.  

Each site we teach at lends much to be explored and discussed. But despite the location, the expansive PDC course curriculum covers how to apply the principles of permaculture in any climate, anywhere in the world. 

Some Key Items Covered


  • Swales
  • Keyline Design & Plow
  • Rain Gardens
  • Spillways
  • Ponds

Water Harvesting

  • First Flush Systems
  • Cisterns
  • Rainwater Tanks
  • French Drains
  • Drywells

Soil Building

  • Soil Structure
  • Organic Matter
  • Life in the Soil
  • Fertility without Fertilizers

Plants and Guilds

  • Increasing Photosynthesis
  • Power of Polycultures
  • Plant Layers
  • Design for Multiple Functions
  • Propagation

Food Production Systems

  • Creative Gardening
  • Self-Watering Beds
  • Season Extenders
  • Food Storage
  • Community Projects

Humane Use of Animals

  • Quality of Life
  • Full Expression
  • Creatively Use Their Behavior
  • Increase Whole Farm Fertility
  • Honorably Harvest

Alternatives to Alternative Energy

  • Conservation
  • Biogas
  • Earth-air Tubes
  • Thermal Mass
  • Wood Gasification

Natural Building

  • Recycled Materials
  • Stem Walls
  • Cob – Clay Slip – Waddle-&-Daub
  • Light vs. Insulation vs. Thermal Mass


  • Pond Basics
  • Layering in the Water
  • Maximize Food Production
  • Minimize Water Use
  • New Possibilities in our Oceans

Community Building

  • 4-Fires of Group Work
  • Clear Agreements
  • Eat Together – Work Together – Play Together
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Emotional Maturity

...And lots, lots more.

Example of a Classroom in Stelle, Home of MWP

What to Expect from a Midwest Permaculture Course?

A Personal Experience

The subject of permaculture attracts an incredible variety of individuals with a meaningful collection of common interests. Sharing meals, space, and conversation lends to creating a rich learning environment and a palpable sense of community among participants. Our students bring as much to the experience as we do and naturally end up sharing some from their diverse areas of expertise and knowledge. Most participants leave our courses feeling personally enriched.

Students queuing up for a meal at an in person course in Stelle, IL
Well-rounded meals are served with care for most dietary restrictions

Get a Lasting Impression from Hands-On Learning

For many people, endless reading and lectures can be difficult to absorb. We fully understand this and have crafted our in-person courses to be peppered with active learning experiences. During each in-person PDC course we take time to learn outdoors, learn how to use helpful equipment, break off into groups for discussion and exercises, and work on tackling site-specific projects and activities, wherever we may be. 

Students making cob at our in person PDC.
Students Making Cob with Wayne, (sunglasses) a Natural Builder
Digging a Hugelkultured Swale
Students making cob bricks at our in person PDC.
Cob Brick Making
Bill Teaching the Rocket Stove Fundamentals

A Site Example: The Home of Midwest Permaculture

Bill and Becky have been working on the design of their home in Stelle for the past 15+ years and take time during every course to share their experience designing their yard. They will answer any questions and share the challenges, joys, and learning experiences they’ve gained from “walking the talk” of permaculture design. 

Over time, the home of Midwest Permaculture has been completely transformed from your average suburban parcel into a beautiful, productive, and ecologically friendly oasis that preserves rainwater, supports native pollinators, provides a wide variety of foods, and builds soil in the process. This is a great example of what could be explored during an in-person course!

Home of Midwest Permaculture in 2017, lush and full of life!
Students enjoying a meal at our in person PDC.

Meals & Open Camping Included

The basic registration price includes all your meals beginning with lunch on the first Saturday. Meals are typically prepared by our hosts with many organic and locally sourced foods, and we’ll always have a vegetarian option. Are you vegan or gluten-free? Just let us know when you register, and we will gladly accommodate your diet. All of your meals are provided from Saturday lunch on the first day through Saturday lunch on day 8.

Camping site in the Stelle Orchard
Plenty of Free Camping Space

Get to know us

Students during a design exercise at one of our in person PDCs

Final Design Projects

Participation in a final design project is a requirement of certification. We typically divide students up into groups of 2-4 persons, all working on one of the student’s own design projects.

Want to work on your Own Design Project?
Depending upon the number of students with projects, it is likely your project could be selected or you will be able to work on a project very similar to yours. If you want your project to be considered, bring the following:

 Our instructors determine the final design project selection, but students’ preferences are strongly considered.

Continuing Support Following Graduation

Students who have completed a Midwest Permaculture design certification course (PDC) are invited to become part of our growing network of graduates. There are three ways we work to support our graduates:

  • We offer the course at half-price to any graduate who would like to experience the PDC once again. This includes our new On-Demand PDC for just $247.50​
  • We host a private networking site for our students to connect with other MWP grads
  • Graduates have an open invitation to join us for our twice-monthly office hours held over Zoom
  • Graduates will always have free access to our live ‘Quick-Design’ Charrettes to continue their learning experience and to stay in touch with us and other students.

Our objective is to support our students for as long as they need it or want it, and to encourage them to support each other.

We would love to have you join us.

The experience of taking a PDC course in person is almost always deeply impactful. As teachers, we feel it is our job to deliver the best quality training to our students, and we take this responsibility seriously. This subject is too brilliant to share in a ho-hum way. We see the course as a journey into wonderment, self-confidence, and endless possibilities. Keep an eye on our schedule for upcoming courses!