
Upcoming Training Schedule

"Powerful"   "A Rock Solid Training"   "Fun & Inspiring"   "Practical & Useful"

18th Year - Over 100 In-Person Courses Delivered

We offer a variety of trainings and free resources. Check back for schedule updates.

In Person Course Locations - 2024

Locavore Farm
June 1-8, 2024
Grant Park, IL

Taught by Midwest Permaculture

Hosted by Our Friends at Locavore Farm

Always Available

Online Home-Study PDC Course
The Full Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course (72-hrs.)

Self Paced. Begin anytime.
Recorded sessions with Helpful Exercises.
Earn the PDC Certificate (or Not)

This includes
Our 9-Week Support/Review Sessions

Property Design Mini-Course (20-hrs.)

Begin any time. Learn all the basics you need to design your own property. Home study recorded material with some Teacher support should you need it.

Foundations of Permaculture
Webinar Series (12+ hours)

This is the classic pre-training study for all of our Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Courses.  Purchase this separately/early and the full price of $195 can be applied to any of our future PDC Courses (up to 3-years).

Site Data and Digital Design
Tutorial (2.5-hrs.)

In these two recorded sessions, we carefully explain how we gather all the site data off the internet that we typically need to do an initial property assessment. Then we give a detailed demonstration of how we create our professional-looking permaculture design maps using PowerPoint or Google-Slides. 

Live On-line Design Charrettes

Six times/year we host an open design charrette where we take a real person’s residential or homestead property and share our process as we walk through the design steps. We create a simple framework design right on the spot. 

12 Key Items We Offer

Why take a permaculture course?

Floods, droughts, storms and pandemics are likely on the rise

Permaculture courses lay out tools, paths and skills we as humans can use to work with each other, and nature, to minimize global disruptions while also improving the health of all life on this planet. This training is all about being the change that brings us toward real and lasting solutions.

Our Free Resources

Begin learning now with our free videos, downloads, e-books, & more