
Permaculture Jobs

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Permaculture Jobs –
Creating a Secure Future

How to Approach Securing Satisfying Work

Investing years of study and large amounts of money towards college degrees in our institutions of higher learning hold less and less of a guarantee of future employment, income or satisfying work.

Learning practical life and people skills may not make someone rich, but they will make them a valued and treasured part of most families, neighborhoods and communities.

So, what activities are required to create a sustainable culture?
Below is the list of activities, occupations and design approaches that David Holmgren believes will be critical in the foreseeable future if we are to maintain some sort of familiar way of living, but a way of living that is sustainable for future generations too.

Work in these areas should also bring one in harmony with themselves, with others and with the planet. This list is a reprint from the free .pdf found on David’s website here: http://permacultureprinciples.com/freedownloads.php

The Actual Document is the Permaculture Flower Poster

Bill Wilson – For Midwest Permaculture
I hope this helps some of you towards finding or creating meaningful work.

Land & Nature Stewardship
Bio-intensive gardening, Forest gardening, Seed saving, Organic agriculture, Biodynamics, Natural Farming, Keyline water harvesting, Holistic rangeland management, Natural sequence farming, Agroforestry, Nature-based forestry, Integrated aquaculture, Wild harvesting & hunting, Gleaning

Passive solar design, Natural construction materials, Water harvesting & waste reuse, Biotecture, Earth sheltered construction, Natural disaster resistant construction, Owner building, Pattern Language

Tools & Technology
Reuse & creative recycling, Hand tools, Bicycles and electric bikes, Efficient & low pollution wood stoves, Fuels from organic wastes, Wood gasification, Bio-char from forest wastes, Co-generation, Micro-hydro & small scale wind, Grid-tied renewable power generation, Energy storage, Transition engineering

Education & Culture
Home schooling, Waldorf education, Montessori, Participatory arts and music, Social ecology, Action research, Transition culture

Health & Spiritual Well-Being
Home birth & breast feeding, Complementary & holistic medicine, Yoga, Tai Chi & other body/mind/spirit disciplines, Spirit of place, Indigenous cultural revival, Dying with dignity

Finances & Economics
Local and regional currencies, Carpooling, Ride sharing & Car share, Ethical investment, Fair trade, Farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), WWOOFing & similar networks, Tradable energy quotas, Life cycle analysis, Energy accounting

Land Tenure & Community Governance
Cooperatives & Body Corporates, Cohousing & ecovillages, Native title and traditional use rights, Open Space Technology & Consensus Decision Making

2 thoughts on “Permaculture Jobs”

  1. My husband and I would love to learn more! At one point he looked into getting a degree in agricultural sciences. The problem is school debt. That’s four years of schooling with no promise for employment at then end. We have dreams of having a small homestead one day. Any suggestions for something we can get involved with now

    1. Right you are Allison. For the most part the educational system does not prepare people for life but rather for a job. Learn about life itself (which is what permaculture is all about) and you will become able to create a living that cares and sustains you and others. It is a different paradigm than what we are used to but it is so worthwhile.

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