Who Could Benefit from a
Permaculture Design Certificate Course?
Just about everyone! If you’re interested in learning about sustainable living, green design and architecture, abundant gardening, organic agriculture, generating renewable energy, creating authentic relationships and community, learning new skills, or considering a new career to obtain right-livelihood….then you will get much from this course.
When a permaculture design is implemented on the land, in a business, in a community, or in one’s own personal life,
(1) wastes become resources,
(2) work is minimized,
(3) yields increase over time
(4) and the environment is restored over time.

Some who have benefited from a PDC Course?
- Homeowners
- Students Looking for their Career Path
- Farmers
- Educators – Teachers
- Architects
- Garden Designers
- Builders
- Municipal, State, Federal Employees
- Landlords
- Pastors and Church Leaders
- Construction Professionals
- Green Entrepreneurs
- Community Organizers
- International Relief Workers
- Landscapers
- Homesteaders
- Gardeners
- Renters
- Landscape Architects
- Community Activists
- Agronomists
- Resource managers
- Real estate buyers and brokers
- Developers
- Local and Regional Planners
- Elected Officials
- Non-profit Administrators
- Social Workers
- Ecologists
- More…