Pictures from our July 2012 Hands-on Permaculture Course

You can see and read more about this course in an awesome blog post by one of the students in this course: These Light Footsteps – Hands-on Permaculture.


Classroom Panorama


Learning how to use a dumpy level to survey


Our newly completed bomb-proof sheet mulch


Getting ready to survey for the hugelkultur swale


Students laying wood in the hugelkultur swale


Students posing on the hugelkultur swale


Laying straw and seeds on the finished hugelkultur swale



Milton showing students the basics of grafting


Cooking a meal on the rocket stove


Collecting day lilly tubers


The next round of chickens came in the mail during our course


Grinding feed for the chickens


Back in the classroom Milton talks about plant guilds


Checking out Bill & Becky’s aquaponics setup


Getting ready to pour compost tea into the sprayer


One of the guilds that we planted in Bill & Becky’s Yard


Hands-on Permaculture Class Photo


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