Pictures From our June 2012, Stelle PDC Course

 Pictures by Milton Dixon and Bill Wilson – Captions by Bill

Day 1 in the Classroom – The World Map on the Wall is a Nice Addition to any Learning space. – Becky Wilson Teaching

“Thank you Bill and Becky for such an incredible, life-altering week.”
Jody T. – Community Organizer

Bill Touring Students around Stelle and the CSC Property


Milton on Plant Walk showing Edible Parts of a Cattail


Walking Through the Black Willow Grove


Crossing Footbridge over Kelly Creek into the Orchard


Bill Giving Earthworks Demonstration using a Clay Model


A Brief Rain during our A-frame Segment


The Beginning of our First Hugelkultured Swale


Here is a Cross Section Illustration of What We Have Designed for Center for Sustainable Communities’ (our local non-profit) 8.7 Acre Parcel of Land


There Will be Three of These Designed into the Hillside when Completed.


Loading up Wood for the Hugelkultur Swale


Laying the Larger Wood Pieces into the Bottom


Wood Chips can be Used in a Hugelkultur Swale for Quick Decomposition


Adding Smaller Wood and Brush while Working Soil into the Cracks


A Layer of Grass and Weeds Provides Immediate Nitrogen  to the Mound while making a Comfy Place to take a Group Photo


Time to Put all of the Soil back on Top

Check out this Short YouTube Video that we made to Help Explain the Function
The Hugelkultured Swale 
(Video Animation and Editing by Milton Dixon) 


Bill Giving Talk about Community While in the Orchard


Learning to Make Cob for Building from the Earth Beneath our Feet


The Grafting Workshop


Down to Business – Working on a Final Permaculture Design Project – Jerol, Paul, Marie, Randy, Woody


David, Jodi, John, Mike, Rebecca, Larry


Lisa, Gianna, Dean, Susan, Zach, John


Nancy Lee Bently – Fantastic Cook for Several Meals During the PDC

Nancy Lee Bently is the Author of the book: Truly Cultured


Example of Some of Our Great Meals

Note:  As graduates of a Midwest Permaculture PDC courses, these students are now linked into our network of other PDC Grads; will receive all updates to our Foundations of Permaculture Webinar Series in the coming years; and may audit a future PDC course we host at half-price should they like to repeat the training.

Congratulations to you all… and Welcome Aboard…!!!

Bill and Becky Wilson

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2 thoughts on “Pictures From our June 2012, Stelle PDC Course”

  1. I was looking at photo of your linear food forest, At my house top of hill is south and bottom is north. Would I just reverse Over Story to further down hill and Under story at base of swale?

    1. Pretty much, you’d also want to think about spacing and plant selection. The north face of a hill is going to be a cooler microclimate all around, something like each 10° away from the sun is like a zone north (the converse is also true). I would also take advantage of any other strategies you can like thermal mass. Just watching what happens during a frost or thaw will be very instructive.

      On the other hand being on the north slope may mean that blossoms would appear later, so that those that would have otherwise been killed in a late frost may not even be out yet.