
UMass Permaculture Garden

Click Here to View the 2.5 min. Video
of UMass Garden Project Beginnings

An Inspiring Video
University of Massachusetts
Turning Campus Lawn into a Permaculture Food Garden for the Dining Hall

I came across this short video of the the UM permaculture group transforming a grassy area adjacent to their dining hall into a permaculture garden. The goal is to increase the amount of fresh food available on campus.

They are not the only university where permaculture is gaining a foothold.  As you probably know, we have done trainings at Purdue, Edgewood College and the U.of Wis.and there are many other campuses beginning to see the brilliant of a permaculture approach to landscape design and quite frankly, daily living.

Consider Joining us for a PDC in Madison, WI
July 30 – Aug. 6
Permaculture Design Certification Course

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