June 20-22, 2014 — Custer, WI
New This Year… MREA Fair Special.
The Foundations of Permaculture Webinar Series …offered live… Friday: 10:00am – 1:00pm 9 Hours Total Students return home with the Full Webinar Series as well. An 8-day Completion Training Immediately Follows just 3 Hours down the Road Register for the Prescott, WI, PDC Course and receive the webinar series now so you can prepare for the course ahead of time. You can still enjoy the live presentations at the MREA as part of your training free. |
Click Here to Register |
This webinar series is the official pre-training for all Midwest Permaculture Design Certificate Courses …so you can get a foundational education in permaculture now (with Bill, Becky and Milton in person) and then take one of our week-long on-site trainings anytime in the next three years with full credit. We offer about 9 PDC courses per year.
Becky, Bill and Milton make up the lead teaching team for all Midwest Permaculture trainings and design courses. Midwest Permaculture has hosted over 40 PDC Courses in the last 7 years.
All three teachers hold advanced permaculture training certificates in teaching permaculture. “Honest, insightful, knowledgeable and inspiring” is how students describe their combined teaching styles. They not only teach permaculture but they also practice it by designing and implementing it for home owners, land owners and community organizations. Permaculture is not an academic pursuit for Becky, Bill and Milton, it is a part of who they are. Click here to learn more about each…
Topics to be Covered?
Friday, June 20, 2014
The Case for Permaculture
Learn why and how permaculture has grown into one of the most positive and hopeful international movements dedicated to finding ways of living on the planet that care for people, for nature, and for future generations.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
The Principles and Methods of Permaculture Design
Permaculture is not a new science in itself, but rather a fresh look at how to network different disciplines and approaches together to create productive systems that require less work, heal the environment, and create a future of abundance.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
How Weather, Climate and the Hydrological Cycle Influence Design
No matter where we are on the planet, an assessment of what is already there in abundance gives us clues regarding how to design a place for productivity and security. This will be as fascinating as the other days. Promise.
Note: Students may register for only one or two of the sessions… but please note… each class is built upon the one before it to some degree. We will hit the highlights of the previous class(es) before we start each morning to minimize confusion and it will be a good review for everyone else, but to earn credit and the certificate, all three sessions are required.
In Addition?
Bring your walking shoes, a sun hat, and some gloves for there will be walks each day to look at what the MREA has already placed in their permaculture gardens as well as what mother nature is doing in the immediate area.
See you at the fair…!!!
Still have questions? Call Becky at 815-216-4124 or email her.
Click Here to Register with the MREA
Click Here to Learn More about the PDC Course Immediately Following the MREA Fair